Our Story

The Game was conceived at a time I was spending a lot of energy on diplomacy with some very narcissistic and toxic people and feeling often isolated as a result.


One day, headed into a meeting I knew would be brutal and painful, I made an off-hand joke to my two friends in the room.


“Whoever gets shit on the most, the other two buy her coffee”.


Thus, The Game was born.


Over the next several years I rolled it out in different situations, tweaking it, validating the concept, and gathering story of success after success. The family reunion made less difficult through camaraderie and humor, the painful work meetings made entertaining, and the holiday explosions diffused.


I’m excited for you to experience The Game for yourself. I hope it makes a difficult situation better, because god knows, we can all use a little more laughter right about now!



Meet the Team

  • Miranda Weigler


    Portland | OR

  • Paul Denton


    Culross | Scotland